Advisory : Moratorium on the Processing and Evaluation

What : Moratorium on the Processing and Evaluation by the Direct Connection Review and Evaluation Committee (D-REC) on All Application for Direct Connection to the Grid

Who :  All Concerned Stakeholders

The Department of Energy (DOE) hereby advises all concerned Stakeholders that a moratorium for the review and evaluation of application for direct connection to the grid is being implemented effective immediately.

The moratorium is being executed to give way to the ongoing review by the DOE of Department Circular No. DC2018-08-0025, entitled "Prescribing the Rules Governing the Review and Evaluation of Direct Connection Applications of Industrial, Commercial, and othe Electricity End-users."

The moratorium shall be in effect for a period of ninety (90) days from its posting at the DOE website. During this period, all new applications received by the DOE shall be held in abeyance and will be evaluated only upon promulgation of the updated guidelines, while all requests or motions for reconsideration on matters already acted upon by the Direct Connection Review Committee shall be processed in accordance with the existing rules and guidelines.

Please be guided accordingly. Thank you.

(signed) Alfonso G. Cusi

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