Advisory on the Extension of the Submission of the 2020-2029 Distribution Development Plan

To : All Distribution Utilities

From : Undersecretary Felix William B. Fuentebella

Date : June 09, 2020

The Department of Energy (DOE) is extending the timeline for the submission of the 2020-2029 Distribution Development Plan (DDP) of all Distribution Utilities (DUs) in consideration of the following issuances:

  1. Proclamation No. 929 dated 16 March 2020 entitled "Declaring a State of Calamity Throughout the Philippines Due to Corona Virus Disease 2019" that imposed the implementation of an Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) in th island of Luzon from 15 March 2020 to April 2020, which was extended until 30 April 2020;
  2. Executive Order No. 112 dated 30 April 2020 entitled "Imposing an Enhanced Community Quarantine in High Risk Geographic Areas of the Philippines and a General Community Quarantine in the Rest of the Country from 01 to 15 May 2020, Adopting the Omnibus Guidelines on the Implementation Thereof, and for Other Purposes";
  3. Inter-Agency Task Force (IATF) for the Management of Emerging Infectious Diseases Resolution No. 37, Series of 2020 dated 15 May 2020, placing high-risk provinces under ECQ, transitioning high-risk provinces under Modified ECQ and GCQ in all other areas in the Country until 31 May 2020; and
  4. IATF Resolution No. 41, Series of 2020 dated 29 May 2020, adopting the community quarantine classification of Provinces, Highly Urbanized Cities, and Independent Component Cities based on epidemic risk level, economic, social, and security considerations beginning 01 June 2020.

As such, the DOE hereby issues this Advisory to guide all DUs on the new timeline for the submission of the 2020-2029 DDP, thus:

  1. This Advisory shall only apply to the submission of the 2020-2029 DDP.
  2. All Distribution Utilities (DUs) are required to comply with the following new timeline in the submission of the 20202-2029 DDP:
    • For Electric Cooperatives - The 2020-2029 DDP shall be submitted to the National Electrification Administration (NEA) on or before 15 June 2020 for review ad consolidation and submission to the DOE not later than 30 June 2020.
    • For Privately-Owned DUs/Local Government Unit Owned-and-Operated Distribution System/Entitites duly authorized to operate within the Economic Zones/Other duly authorized entities engaged in the Distribution of Electricity - The 2020-2029 DDP shall be submitted to the DOE, through the Electri Power Industry Management Bureau, on or before 30 June 2020.
  3. In order to ensure uniform submission, all DUs are reminded to adopt the following guidelines:
    • All DUs shall used the new DDP Form, attached herewith as Annex 1.
    • All DDP submissions shall contain the following attachments, including but not limited to:
      • 2020 Power Supply Procurement Plan;
      • Board Resolution/Seretary's Certificate approving the 2020-2029 DDP;
      • Power Supply Agreements, including attachments, if any; and
      • Other documents as maybe required by the DOE.
  4. For further inquiries, you may direct them to the following DOE Officials:
  • Ms. Thelma B. Ejercito
    Officer-In-Charge, Power Planning and Development Division
    Electric Power Industry Management Bureau
    Cellphone Number: 09175560751
    Email Address:;
  • Assistant Director Irma C. Exconde
    Director III
    Electric Power Industry Management Bureau
    Cellphone Number: 0917 8253928
    Email Address:
  • Director Mario C. Marasigan, CESO III
    Director IV
    Officer-In-Charge, Electric Power Industry Management Bureau
    Cellphone Number: 09178574546
    Email Address:

5. For guidance and strict compliance.

Thank you.

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