Advisory to All Concerned Government Agencies : Enjoining All Concerned in the Government to Realize at least Ten Percent (10%) Cost Savings


To : All Concerned Government Agencies

From : The Secretary of Energy and Chairperson of Inter-Agency Energy Efficiency and Conservation Committee (IAEECC)

Date : 24 April 2020

Subject : Enjoining All Concerned in the Government to Realize at least Ten Percent (10%) Cost Savings

In support of the implementation of Section 4(u) of the Republic Act No. (RA) 11469 or the Bayanihan to Heal as One Act, which recommended to conserve and regulate the distribution and use of power, fuel, energy and water, and ensure its adequate supply and National Budget Circular No. (NBC) 580 dated 22 April 2020 regarding the Adoption of Economy Measures in the Government due to the Emergency Health Situation, the Department of Energy (DOE) as Chairperson of the IAEECC under RA 11285 or the Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EEC) Act hereby issues the following:

  1. Section 9 of the RA 11285 tasked the IAEECC to evaluate and approve government energy efficiency projects, and to provide strategic direction in the implementation of the Government Energy Management Program (GEMP).
  2. Section 43 of the EEC Act Implementing Rules and Regulations stated that the GEMP shall cover all government agencies, including all departments, bureaus, offices, agencies, branches and instrumentalities or political subdivisions, GOCCs, including its ubsidiaries or other self-governing board or commission of the Government, LGUs, state universities, and colleges.
  3. In compliance with RA 11469, the NBC and the GEMP, all concerned government agences are enjoined to implement energy conservation projects and measures to achieve at least ten percent (10%) cost savings in the petroleum products, air, steam and electricity consumption that would result to the addition to government's resources to contain the spread of COVID-19.
  4. Such energy efficiency and conservation projects, programs and measures shall be reported by each government agency with target savings, motor vehicle inventory and other strategies consistent with the GEMP to the DOE copy furnished the DBM.

For immediate compliance and guidance of all concerned.