Systems Loss Reduction For Utilities


As part of the government's efforts to provide reasonable retail prices of electricity by setting annual loss caps and enhancing Performance Improvement Program, Republic Act 7832 otherwise known as the Anti-Pilferage of Electricity and Theft of Electric Transmission Lines/Materials Act was signed in 1994. Likewise, rural electric cooperatives (RECs) are provided assistance by the Task Force on System Loss Reduction Program (SLRP) by recommending appropriate measures such as system review and evaluation, testing and calibration of kilowatt-hour meters, system load balancing, thermal scanning of lines and equipment load management.

The public utilities' system loss should be reduced to at least 9.5 percent throughout the planning period that will accrue to a total of 640 MBFOE savings. The rural electric cooperatives, on the other hand, are to reduce their system loss to at least 14% until the end of the 10-year period translating to cumulated energy savings of 1,490 MBFOE by 2008.

System Loss Reduction Schedule

(In Percent)

Year/Percent 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
REC'S 22.00 20.00 18.00 16.00 14.00
PU 14.50 13.25 11.75 9.50 9.50