Draft Department Circular Implementing the Modified Philippine National Standard Specifications for Liquefied Petroleum Gases (PNS/DOE QS 005:2016 and PNS/DOE QS 012:2016)
Post date: Monday, 30 October 2017 03:31PM

In support of the Philippine Government's effort to promote the utilization of alternative and clean fuel technology consistent with the objectives of the Clean Air Act of 1999 and the continuing policies and programs of the Department in updating fuel quality specifications in term of the current requirements of the industry, its users and manufacturers, the Department of Energy's Technical Committee on Petroleum Products and Additives (DOE/TCPPA) developed, reviewed and subsequently promulgated by BPS the PNS/DOE QS 005:2016 and PNS/DOE QS 012:2016 as the latest and current standard specifications for liquefied petroleum gases for non-motor fuel and motor fuel respectively, superseding PNS/DOE QS 005:2005.

To effectively implement the Philippine National Standard for Liquefied Petroleum Gases, the DOE/TCPPA prepared a draft Department Circular entitled:


Enclosed is a copy of the draft department circular for your comments.

We appreciate receiving your comments/positions thru mail or email at alvin.lim@doe.gov.ph or tcppasecretariat@gmail.com on or before November 6, 2017 for it to be considered in the finalization of the department circular.  Non-receipt of your comments on the specified date shall be construed as an approval of the draft department circular.

Thank you for your usual cooperation.


Draft National Renewable Energy Board (NREB) Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) for Off-Grid Policy
Post date: Friday, 27 October 2017 03:23PM

As the executive body for all energy policies and program, the Department of Energy encourages the public, particularly the renewable energy stakeholders, to comment and recommend on the National Renewable Energy Board (NREB) Draft Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) for Off-grid Areas Policy for its enhancement and refinement. The proposed policy along side with the public suggestions will be reviewed by the DOE before issuing a comprehensive policy through a Department Circular.

Please see Draft NREB RPS for Off-Grid Areas Policy below:


Attachment (Click to view/download PD file):
Request for Comments on the RCOA Draft Department Circulars
Post date: Monday, 18 September 2017 03:45PM


The Department of Energy (DOE) is hereby requesting all interested parties to submit their comments on the following Drafts:

  • Providing Policies on the Implementation of Retail Competition and Open Access (RCOA) For Retail Electricity Suppliers (RES) in the Philippine Electric Power Industry; and
  • Providing Policies on the Implementation of Retail Competition and Open Access (RCOA) for Contestable Customers in the Philippines Electric Power Industry.

Comments/recommendations will be accepted on or before 10 October 2017 to:

E-mail: rcoapower@gmail.com
Fax: (02) 840-1773
Director Mario C. Marasigan, CESO III
Officer-in-Charge, Electric Power Industry Management Bureau
4th Floor DOE Bldg., Energy Center, Rizal Drive
Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City

Attached are the draft department circulars and the template of comments.

Thank you.
